It’s that time of year again when the cold weather starts to creep in. And for many people, that means it’s time to winterise their 4x4s.
If you’re not sure how to do it, don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll show you how to winterise your 4×4 step by step. So let’s get started!
The Importance of Winterising your 4×4
First things first, let’s talk about why winterising your 4×4 is so important
Your 4×4 is a big investment, and you want to make sure it lasts for as long as possible. Winter can be hard on vehicles, especially if they’re not prepared for it.
Cold weather can cause your 4×4 to break down and cause significant damage to your engine. And if you don’t have the right gear, it can be difficult or even dangerous to get it fixed.
But by winterising your 4×4, you can protect it from the harsh weather and keep it in great shape all season long. Here’s how:
Tips to Winterising Your 4×4
There are a few simple steps you can take to winterise your 4×4. But before we get into that, let’s talk about what you’ll need:
An oil change
This is one of the most important things you can do to prepare your 4×4 for winter. Cold weather can thicken your oil, making it harder for your engine to run.
You should change your oil at least once a year, but if you live in a cold climate, you may want to do it more often. Ask your mechanic for the best oil for winter driving.
A full tank of gas
You never know when you’re going to get stranded in the cold. So it’s always a good idea to keep your tank full during winter.
This will help you stay warm and give you enough fuel to get to the nearest gas station if you need to.
Snow tires or chains
Snow tyres or chains are necessary if you reside in a location that sees a lot of snowfall. For snowy situations, snow tires are built of an extra-special substance.
A third alternative is a chain, although it may be cumbersome to put on and remove. Ensure that you know how to utilize the tools before you need them if you decide to do so.
Now that you have what you need, let’s get into how to winterise your 4×4:
1. Check your battery
The cold weather can be tough on your battery, so it’s important to make sure it’s in good condition before winter hits.
If your battery is more than 3 years old, you may want to consider replacing it. A weak or damaged battery can leave you stranded in a snowstorm, so be sure to check it thoroughly before winter starts.
2. Check your tyres and brakes
Tires are particularly important when driving in the snow. Make sure they have plenty of treads and aren’t worn down
You should also check your brakes to make sure they’re in good condition. The last thing you want is to get into an accident because your brakes aren’t working properly.
3. Protect your engine
Cold weather can be tough on your engine, so it’s important to take care of it. Start by checking the antifreeze levels and make sure they’re full.
You should also add a fuel additive to help keep your engine clean and protected from the cold.
4. Get your 4×4 serviced
If you’re not sure how to winterise your 4×4, or you don’t have the time to do it yourself, you can always take it to a mechanic.
They’ll be able to give it a full inspection and make sure everything is in good condition. This is a good idea if you’re not familiar with how to winterise your 4×4 yourself.
5. Invest in winter gear
If you live in an area that gets a lot of snow, you should invest in some winter gear. This includes things like a shovel, ice scraper, and jumper cables.
You may also want to keep a blanket and some snacks in your car in case you get stranded. By being prepared, you can make sure you stay safe and warm all winter long.
By following these tips, you can winterise your 4×4 and make sure it’s ready for anything. Be sure to check your battery, tires, and brakes before winter hits. And don’t forget to protect your engine from the cold weather. With a little preparation, you can keep your 4×4 running all winter long.